
Toenail Care

Toenail Care offered in The Woodlands, Huntsville, and most of the Greater Houston area

Toenail Care
Toenail Care offered in The Woodlands, Huntsville, and most of the Greater Houston area

Toenails can grow into the skin or develop fungal infections that require expert care. If you need help looking after your toenails, visit the Foot and Ankle Specialists for expert toenail care. At their offices in The Woodlands, Memorial City, and Huntsville, Texas, the practice’s highly experienced foot doctors offer complete foot care, including treating ingrown and fungal toenails and trimming your nails. Call the Foot and Ankle Specialists today or book an appointment online to receive the highest quality toenail care.

What is toenail care?

Toenail care covers everything from trimming your toenails correctly to treating fungal infections. Correct trimming helps you avoid problems like ingrown toenails, where the nail grows into your skin. Conditions like these often get worse if you leave them, resulting in a noticeable nail abnormality and toe pain.

Fungal infections discolor the nail, turning it yellow, white, or black. The nail thickens and, as the fungus grows, starts to crumble.

Ugly toenails are one of the most common complaints the Foot and Ankle Specialists of The Woodlands team handles. The practice’s experienced foot health experts provide the most advanced treatments for unsightly toenails.

What causes unsightly toenails?

Unsightly toenails can be caused by trauma, like stubbing your toe or dropping a heavy object on your foot. But fungal infections are the most common cause. The fungus that affects your toenails is similar to those that cause athlete’s foot.

The minute fungal organisms (dermatophytes) love a warm, moist environment and thrive on the dead cells in toenails. So feet are an ideal home for them. You can pick up a fungal infection from someone else by sharing footwear or walking barefoot in a shared area.

Some people are more vulnerable to toenail fungus, so infection doesn’t always spread to all household members.

What does toenail care involve?

The first step in effective toenail care is keeping your feet clean and dry. Change your shoes and socks every day and wash regularly. Keep your toenails trimmed to the correct length, no lower than the tips of your toes. Avoid shaping toenails at the sides; simply clip them straight across.

If you need treatment for a fungal or ingrown toenail, the Foot and Ankle Specialists of The Woodlands team offers several options including CLARUS Antifungal Solution and or Nail Avulsion. You might also benefit from taking a dietary supplement like TheraNail-TF Tablets once daily to increase nail strength.

Call the Foot and Ankle Specialists of The Woodlands today or schedule a consultation online to learn about safe, effective toenail care.