Anthony Serrano was originally born in Miami, Florida and moved to Houston when he was 3 years old. He is currently living in Montgomery with his family. He has 2 younger brothers who are in high school and play on their school’s basketball team.
Anthony started out as a basketball player, but fell in love with running after taking a “running” course in college at Lone Star College. The semester final exam was to sign up, run, and finish a 5K race. He ended up not only finishing it, but placed 1st in his age group at the GE Run Thru the Woods on Thanksgiving morning. That was in 2011 and he’s been competitively racing ever since. Anthony runs all the local races he possibly can, from 5K’s to Ultra-marathons. Even as a new runner, he has placed in the top 90% of all his races.
Anthony’s training consists of physical training 6 days a week and then taking 1 day off. A normal week of training consists of running every day 5-13 miles (he gradually does more prior to Marathons), lifting weights 2 times a week, and playing basketball at least once a week.
Anthony is a motivation to all those wanting to take up the challenge of becoming a “runner”.